Government Affairs
About Us
The Connecticut legislative committee is comprised of 8 members from LDAC. They work with our state lobbyist, Carrie Rand-Anastasiades, to advocate for and work against issues in the state legislature on behalf of the lumber and building materials industry. They engage members through action alerts, where members are asked to contact their state legislators on a specific issue or piece of legislation, and through a state lobby day usually held in [TBD].
Learn more about LDAC’s priority legislative issues here.
Updates on priority issues, monthly lobbyist updates, lobby day, meetings with legislators, and more.
Updates on regulatory changes and regulatory resources.
Forklift Training
NRLA has partnered with Forklift Academy to offer forklift certification and forklift trainer training to our members.
Useful Links
CDL License
Federal Medical and Self-Certification Requirement Information
Connecticut Ban the Box Law
Memorandum on Connecticut’s Ban the Box Law
Energy Efficiency
Programs for CT Small Businesses
Labor Laws
Connecticut Labor Law Posters
Employment of Minors
Lien Laws
Connecticut Mechanics’ Lien Law
Paint Stewardship
PaintCare Connecticut
2022 Information
Sales Tax Exemption for Weatherization Products Eliminated
Formal Guidance

Carrie Rand-Anastasiades
Nome Associates

Katherine Slye-Hernandez

Nicolina Schonfarber

Tammy Wandler-Ginexi